2025 is here, and the pandemic is officially long over, but, of course, the virus will always be with us, with new variants causing upsurges of concern. For each person the balance between caution and optimism is different and changing. As a community organization, we want to be mindful of making the best possible decisions in relation to the safety and security of our audiences, performers, and production people. We are following the lead of our city, state, and federal elected officials as we implement strategies recommended by public health authorities and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for our organization.
Vaccination continues to appear the best strategy for living safely with the COVID-19 virus, and we do ask those who audition with us to show proof of vaccination. If you’d like to join us in encouraging the vaccine-hesitant to get over that hurdle, feel free to send a pic, your fully vaccinated date and any words to be added to our VacciNation wall of honor.
Masking is welcomed, but not currently required at our performances. People with respiratory symptoms are encouraged to be mindful of those around them.
The pandemic was a hard time for theater, especially professional theaters. Chicago’s theaters, large and small, had to cancel performances and, sadly, some were forced to close their doors for good. As a community theater, we are blessed with little overhead, so we’re still here and our future survival seems unproblematic. As always, we are grateful for any financial support you may wish to offer.
We remain vigilant and hopeful, and we are prepared to make decisions based on current recommendations, as well as in response to changing conditions. As we have news, we will notify audiences via our website, instagram and Facebook page, GoodNeighbors listserv and our personal e-mail list.
Here’s to a continued safe return to live theater through 2025 and beyond! We are so grateful for your support of our endeavors, and wish you all good health through this challenging time.
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