Would you like to direct a show in our 2025-26 season? Then fill out this proposal form. The deadline for proposals is April 15. If you would like to be a part of the selection committee (whether you are proposing a show or not), please reach out to corinnachristman@yahoo.com. The selection meeting will be held […]
Sabrina Fair auditions coming in March!
Join us for Sabrina Fair auditions on March 8 from 2-5 pm, and March 11 from 6-9 pm. Auditions are held at Augustana Lutheran Church (5500 S. Woodlawn Ave). No preparation necessary. Readings and character descriptions will be provided. Show dates are May 2-4 and 9-11. Roles: There are 14 roles: 5 female, 4 male, […]
AUDITIONS: The Merry Wives of Windsor, our summer Shakespeare in the Park!
Come try out for the Players’ Annual Shakespeare in Nichols Park! This year we’re presenting The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare’s delightful comedy of Falstaff in love, directed by Corinna Christman. Auditions are at Augustana Lutheran Church, 5500 S. Woodlawn Avenue. You do not need to prepare anything for the audition. You do not need […]
Get your tickets for The Real Nightmare!
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Tickets for Everybody on sale now!
Buy tickets now for Everybody, by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins! Directed by Robert Carhuayo How would you handle facing your own death? Would you feel at peace? Would you have regrets? What would you be proud of? What would you miss? Everybody is a modern morality play about making sense of our lives in the face of our […]
Updated Information on Coronavirus situation
You likely began the day yesterday hearing the news that our governor had declared a statewide disaster proclamation relations to the coronavirus. There are now 25 Illinois cases. As a community organization, we want to be mindful of making the best possible decisions in relation to the safety and security of our audiences, performers, and […]
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